LoosenArt Mag / Gallery

Catalogue Exhibition │Millepiani

Posted on July 27 2023





24 —  31 July 2024

Pythia │ Photography, 2023

In a world where myths, legends and stories are passed down through generations and twist and change as they do, certain elements stay with us. In these images, I invite you to remember what you can of the original myths but also allow your mind to drift and alter the stories to make new ones. Let yourself build your own interpretation of the tales.
- J. P.


Earthling │ Photography, 2024

As seen in VogueItalia, the ethereal and whimsical scene captures the essence of femininity of the Earth element in a mystical air. The connection between the unseen world and the spiritual nature of self.
- O. S.


The Sunken │ Video, 2024

The evening has come. Revealing traces of a lingering folktale. The fragments are unpredictable as they show themselves rarely. But now the light exposes their shapes, and this time one of them got caught in the net. Something feels off, like a hiccup in the flow. A storm is creating, not in the sky but in the very heart of the ground, unfurling, absorbing and eventually sinking the land.
- R. K.


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Binding and Unbinding, a Short Rhyme │ Video, 2024

Any mythological system has rituals of binding and unbinding at the heart of it, tying and untying of threads. This is a story about making and breaking ties, the push and pull of intimacy and the void between.
- V. N.


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I am Circe │ Video, 2021

The myth of Circe is told in Homer's Odyssey, known for transforming men into pigs through the use of magic, potions and herbs. The film explores the moment Circe falls on Aiaia island when banned and exiled for eternity by her father. This moment of falling becomes a terrain for collective female existential questions and it becomes a multi-sensorial intimate dance with oneself and nature.
- L. S.


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Self-Portrait #1: Daniel John the Baptist │ Photography, 2020

An exploration of large format photography inspired by Caravaggio.
- D. B. 


Little Calvary │ Photography, 2023

Three crosses on a rock pile captured while on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
- D. B.


Cosmic Intervention │ Photography, 2023

An examination of the liminal space between day and night.
- D. B. 


Sisyphus #2 │ Photography, 2022

The series of works is a kind of interpretation of the myth of Sisyphus, which personifies hard but useless work. According to the philosophy of A. Camus, instead of running away from the absurd, a person can accept it. It is the awareness of the absurdity of fate that gives Sisyphus freedom through the rejection of hope and acceptance of his own condition.
- I. V. 


Sisyphus #1 │ Photography, 2022

The series of works is a kind of interpretation of the myth of Sisyphus, which personifies hard but useless work. According to the philosophy of A. Camus, instead of running away from the absurd, a person can accept it. It is the awareness of the absurdity of fate that gives Sisyphus freedom through the rejection of hope and acceptance of his own condition.
- I. V. 


Maids of the River: Enchanting Mysteries │ Photography, 2023

In mythos, Mavkas are frequently linked with the transition from the realm of the living to that of the deceased, embodying a connection between these two states. They serve as spirits of youthful females, bridging the living and the departed. This symbolic representation unveils the bond between human life and the surrounding environment, emphasizing the perpetual cycle of existence and demise that permeates all being.
- M. B.



No More Evil │ Digital, 2023

The work 'No More Evil', is an evocative exploration inspired by the culture of the past. Golzio imagines an ancient Greek oracle foretelling the end of all evil. Through the use of symbolism and suggestive imagery, the artist invites viewers to reflect on the meaning of courage in times of transition and the necessity of facing the present and future with determination and hope.
- D. G.


Consume Mountains and Seas │ Video, 2019

‘Mountains and Seas’, the most ancient written mythology in Chinese history, holds detailed documentation of the old gods and fantastic creatures that have walked the earth, as well as their ‘nutrition value’. In this film, Jingyi dives deep into the roots of the Chinese belief system and its connection with food. Through the act of eating, we gradually reaches for our becoming.
- J. Y.


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Untitled │ Photography, 2023


Meeting with a Menhir │ Photography, 2022

I follow a ley line in Great Britain with my bike. I look for secret energy in the form of menhirs, stone circles, sources and contemporay cathedrals. Then I suck this energy into my body and make an inprint by form of pinhole and lightprints.
- L. N.


Feeling the Energy at the Entrance of the Cathedral │ Photography, 2022

I follow the St Michael leyline through Great Britain from west to east with my bike. I stop at menhirs, stone circles, sources and cathedrals to find secret energy.
- L. N.


Elf │ Photography, 2021

Elf symbolises a connection to the mystical realms, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of imagination and wonder amidst the verdant embrace of the forest.
- M. L.


Queen of Cups - Noble Moon Tarot │ Mixed Media, 2024

A mermaid sits on the seashore while lovingly holding a baby. Around them glitters pearls and shells and an exquisitely crafted cup. The sea is deep yet calm and the sun reflects beautiful colors. All of nature sings in harmony with the siren’s song. Gemstone: Chrysochola Chakra: Swadhisthana (Sacral) & Anahata (Heart) Yoga Pose: Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Mermaid’s Pose) Deity: Yemaya Affirmation: I welcome love into my life.
- C. C. S.


Persephone in the Underworld │ Photography, 2021

This self-portrait was inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone, and created during the pandemic lockdown. The photographer explored the themes of confinement and isolation, drawing inspiration from Persephone's confinement to the underworld. The photographer created the costume, makeup and headdresses along with the improvised lighting that consisted of a hot shoe flash and lighting equipment made with materials such as styrofoam, aluminium foil, household bulbs, tripods, and a lot of scotch tape.
- R. S. L.


Tulip │ Photography, 2020

Fuzzy liaisons Moving bodies in the dark. Stories about a Garden of Eden, sin and innocence, the potential to fluidly move from shining to shade, strata of cerebral matter. Life of abundance, then forfeiture, fruits of paradise in decay. Fuzzy frontiers between description and evocation. Voluptuousness of the night, viscous sensuality, far-flung webs of colors, the utmost ends of human gaze, until nothing's left to see. Nothing is real? Inspired by Hieronymous Bosch's „Garden of Earthly Delights“ and the poem „Wild Strawberries“ by Robert Graves.
- B. LM.


Neptune │ Digital, 2023

´Neptune´ is a work showing the mythical secret of the god netune and his appearance and devotion to the holy element of water. Water is often an important theme in my works, as I have a deep love for this element, feel connected in many ways, as it is the essence of life and the basis for all alive.
- E. J.


Nymph │ Photography, 2022

Nymphs are fragil creatures who live in waters or trees. They are regarded as personifications of nature and typically tied to a specific place. They are not immortal but live much longer than human beings.
- R. W.


Ancient Heads │ Photography, 2023

Medusa’s trophy room. Two rows of stone heads from Istanbul Archaeology Museum.
- M. L.


Icar's Spirit No 1 │ Mixed Media, 2024

"Icar's Spirit"... Middle ground the best good path. In order to not burn wings. For free & happy life. Drawing done by my hand with several kind of markers. Then drawing were taking in photography. Then photography was worked on my computer. To create the atmosphere wanted with settings of lights, contrast, blur and so on... Here for mythological spirit as if a negative too.
- A. S. LP.


Circle in the Sand │ Photography, 2014

Artwork inspired by sudden death of my father.

- C. C.

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