Nicola Buttari
Posted on May 01 2016
After attending the Florentine Academy of Digital Art “Nemo NT”, Nicola Buttari began working as a graphic and video designer for events and shows, and subsequently as a teacher of these same disciplines.
Every things exist just only exist its contrary, light & darkness, fill & empty… So I like to create strong contrast in my artworks, because I think that trough it is possible to arrive to a visual equilibrium, and this equilibrium generates harmony in me and in the viewers. - N. Buttari
After attending the Florentine Academy of Digital Art “Nemo NT”, Nicola Buttari began working as a graphic and video designer for events and shows, and subsequently as a teacher of these same disciplines. Important for his artistic and cultural training is the time he spent in Canada in 2006, which allowed him to meet an art reality from which all of his future productions will be influenced. Nicola Buttari has created works for prestigious brands such as BMW and DROMe, his installations have been exhibited in numerous events and electronic music festival, he has worked side by side with great musicians such as Richie Hawtin, Ellen Allien, Skins, Carl Cox, Marco Carola etc.
The graphics presented by LoosenArt are part of the series entitled "MODULA", images created with ink pen, scanned and processed using computer graphics software.
All the images of "Modula" series present here, have a common root in the reflection on some aspects concerning the contemporaneity, the world and society in which we live, civilization and progress, aspects which find expression in those repeated modules, aligned and assembled, rendered in an essential form useful in recreating an ensemleb balance overall which is capable to give a sense and construct new meanings, a balance that nevertheless, in Buttari images, appears at the same time ephemeral and momentary.
The graphics presented by LoosenArt are part of the series entitled "MODULA", images created with ink pen, scanned and processed using computer graphics software.
All the images of "Modula" series present here, have a common root in the reflection on some aspects concerning the contemporaneity, the world and society in which we live, civilization and progress, aspects which find expression in those repeated modules, aligned and assembled, rendered in an essential form useful in recreating an ensemleb balance overall which is capable to give a sense and construct new meanings, a balance that nevertheless, in Buttari images, appears at the same time ephemeral and momentary.
L.A.: Hello Nicola, to start how and when did you become interested in graphic and video design? How your educational journey in Canada in 2006 aroused in you a passion for animation and visual arts?
Nicola Buttari: I always loved to draw, but when i was yang, I started to use graphic software to modify the photos of my friends, and produce funny stuff. I became to work as graphic-design for a little club in Florence when I studied at Nemo school (academy of digital arts). During my travel In Canada I visited a big multimedia studio in Montreal who organize every year a vary cool electronic festival, the Mutek festival. In those days I sow a lot of interesting visual performance, and I realized how video installations can be important inside the shows. There I bought my first vj-software+controller and transformed my drawings "pornorobotz" in animated characters. So when I came back to Italy I started my visual career.
L.A.: What characterized the evolution of your artwork? Have you always moved in the same direction conceptually and stylistically?
Nicola Buttari: I often work using a minimal style, simple shapes, not to much colors. But before I was more figurative, for example Pornorobotz were animated characters, or sometimes I enjoy with matte painting. After my experience in Switzerland I became to work with abstract shapes. There I learn how to work with the generative design, using audio input to animate the graphics for vj-set and audio visual performance.
Now I trying to create somethings of essential for eyes and other senses.
Now I trying to create somethings of essential for eyes and other senses.
"Tv Noise"
L.A.: How do you come up with ideas for your works?
Nicola Buttari: It depend, I like to go to museums, art galleries, and to watch performances, and some times i take inspiration from that I don't see inside them and I'd like to see. Other times I take ideas from structure as industrial buildings or port machines. I often watch nature or history documentaries and take inspiration from them to.
L.A.: Can you take one of your works from those presents at LoosenArt Gallery and express a personal comment about meanings or concepts?
Nicola Buttari: I want to talk about the drawing "blu". It's represent what happened around the first week of March 2016 in Bologna. The 13th of March has inaugurated the exhibition about street art "Banksy and co" against the opinion of a lot of Bologna people, because some "street art - artworks" have been taken to walls of the city without the agreement of some artist. One of these was "Blu", a big street artist famous in all the world. Between the 4th and 5th of March he canceled with gray paint all his artworks in the city, in protest against the exhibition "Bansky and co". I was there in those days, and I'm impressed about it. So the drawing represent the symbol of Bologna, the 2 towers, that form "red", symbolic color of the city, are covered with gray paint by blu.
L.A.: What are you busy doing in this period? Have you any future project?
Nicola Buttari: In this period I'm working as a video designer for 3 clubs in Tuscany and for some private company. I'd like in the near future, to make much more big visual installation and video mapping preferably out of Italy, and personal exhibitions mixing video and drawings.

Nicola Buttari