LoosenArt Mag / Gallery


  • Mimesis

    Posted on June 19 2023

    . .a Mimesis │ May 22 - June 29, 2023 . Author Silvia Colombo, Antonio Muratore . . "Mimesis", Greek word for "imitation", designates a human and animal behavior aimed...

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  • Visions of Sound : Noises, Rhythms and Acoustic Ambients

    Posted on March 13 2023

    . . Visions of Sound : Noises, Rhythms and Acoustic Ambients │ February 17 - March 23, 2023 . Curated by Antonio Muratore, Silvia Colombo . . Reality, as we...

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  • Language: Signs and Styles of Expressiveness

    Posted on June 10 2021

    .+ Author Silvia Colombo . . Language │ 21 May - 15 June 2021 . . The universe gravitating towards language isn’t just populated by vocal sounds triggering various sorts...

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  • Windows into The Virtual

    Posted on February 15 2021

    . Author S Colombo . . Windows into The Virtual │ 5 February - 4 March 2021 . . Nowadays, the word “virtual” is something that tickles us, reminding us of...

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  • Transitions and Displacements: For a Liquid Approach

    Posted on July 28 2020

    . Authors A Muratore / S Colombo . . Transitions and Displacements: For a Liquid Approach │ 10th July - 6th August 2020 . . "Transitions" and "displacements" are the objects...

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  • Abstractions

    Posted on May 18 2020

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Abstractions │ Online Exhibition May 2020 . . Cutting yourself off from reality, leaving the ordinary world for a while. Grabbing concepts, ideas, emotions and...

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  • Stranger than Fiction

    Posted on May 23 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Stranger than Fiction │ 2nd May - 6th June 2019 . . Already at the end of the 19th century, in the critical essay “The Art...

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  • Perceptions

    Posted on March 21 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Perceptions │ 1st - 31st March 2019 . . How many interpretations can one give about life, nature, art? Should we consider our point of...

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  • The Essential of Contemporary

    Posted on November 26 2018

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . The Essential │ 2nd November - 3rd December 2018 . . According to the most common definition, the word ‘essential’ is referred to something “extremely...

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  • Memories: From the Experience to the Construction of the Past

    Posted on October 17 2018

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Memories │ 5th October - 1st November 2018 . . The exhibition season at the Space Millepiani in Rome starts again with Memories, open to...

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  • Plastic

    Posted on September 12 2018

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Plastic │ 5 - 30 September 2018 . . Plastic is the title of the temporary exhibition organised at the space Millepiani in Rome, opened...

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  • Alteration: Errors Manipulations and Changing Processes

    Posted on July 23 2018

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Alteration │ 5 - 31 July 2018 . . “Alteration” means a disturbed, non-linear, distorted reality as seen by the exhibited artists – by their eyes,...

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  • Underwater

    Posted on June 20 2018

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Underwater │5 - 30 June 2018 . . According to our culture, water represents a powerful element often appearing in visual or literary traditions. For...

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  • Absences

    Posted on May 13 2018

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . We often see absence as a negative condition, as the opposite of something more than a ‘status’, an idea itself. In doing so, we usually...

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  • About Me

    Posted on April 12 2018

      . Author Silvia Colombo . . The title chosen for this collective exhibition, accessible during the whole month of April within Millepiani space in Rome, is clear and evocative at...

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  • The Mask

    Posted on March 21 2018

      . Author Silvia Colombo . . One of the most immediate creative forms going through history and centuries, from the ancient times until today, is the mask. Connected to a...

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  • Modules

    Posted on February 17 2018

      . Author Silvia Colombo . . Already in the ’30s of the last century, within the book The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical reproduction (1936), Walter Benjamin...

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  • Shift - The Exhibition

    Posted on November 15 2017

      . Author Silvia Colombo . . “Shift” is a matter of movement, “shift” is a matter of change, of displacement. This is the meaningful message given by the title...

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  • JBR

    Posted on October 08 2017

    Julian Brangold alias JBR, is a digital illustrator from Argentina who lives and works in Berlin, Germany. He studied media and communications in Buenos Aires, Argentina.. . ..artists need to...

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  • The Street Experience - The Exhibition

    Posted on July 09 2017

      . Author Silvia Colombo . . As suggested by the title, The Street Experience, the exhibition organised by LoosenArt at Millepiani Space in Rome - opened from 3 to...

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  • A Surreal Vision - The Exhibition

    Posted on June 02 2017

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . From the 1st to the 30th of June, the space Millepiani in Rome hosts a collective art show in which a group of photo/graphic...

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  • The Image of the Savage - The Exhibition

    Posted on May 05 2017

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . This collective exhibition wants to explore the natural and wild state of the humankind through a series of photographic and graphic works by authors...

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  • Mario Sughi

    Posted on January 17 2017

    Mario Sughi, alias Nerosunero, is an italian digital visual artist. The Ürzer's Archive included Mario Sughi in the "200 best illustrators worldwide".. Mario Sughi has been able to enrich the pictorial...

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  • Nicola Buttari

    Posted on May 01 2016

    After attending the Florentine Academy of Digital Art “Nemo NT”, Nicola Buttari began working as a graphic and video designer for events and shows, and subsequently as a teacher of...

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