Alteration: Errors Manipulations and Changing Processes
Posted on July 23 2018
Alteration │ 5 - 31 July 2018
“Alteration” means a disturbed, non-linear, distorted reality as seen by the exhibited artists – by their eyes, their minds and creativity. Working and ‘playing’ with digital and visual technologies, they intend to portray a personal universe and to show us the world from their point of view.
The resulting image is a balanced and subjective composition where a “controlled mistake” is made by repeating, fractioning, decomposing the subject itself. That is why, for example, all the human bodies chosen as main theme of the artworks are (metaphorically and digitally) ripped, uncomplete and reproduced with the help of scanners, printers, software. They reflect a specific idea of the (sub- or hyper-) reality surrounding us, they are personal chains-of-thoughts that guide the observer towards another, maybe upside-down perspective. Those altered and manipulated processes are thus ways to expose, to declare a statement inspired by multiple possibilities, like a journey in an unknown country, a particular sound or melody or just an external, ordinary perception.
Their, our bodies, though, are not able to fully express the complexity of such a world: since ‘alteration’ also refers to a ‘change’, it is meaningful considering the exhibition with another look. Some of the artists, in fact, capture other topics, other points of reference, other dimensions. More interested in the macrocosm we live in, they analyse it with a critical perspective and return it with visual and identity issues.
Where natural and agricultural landscapes are mixed with urban contexts finding boundaries and limits is not so clear anymore.
Where natural and agricultural landscapes are mixed with urban contexts finding boundaries and limits is not so clear anymore.
Images of lunar and deserted places are distorted versions of common objects and tools that we are not able to properly recognise.
Reality as we know it tends to disappear just because of multiple-exposure techniques. How can we define what is what?
Melissa Spiccia, A Body Reduced, 2017
Michael Black, The Shortest Distance Between Two Points - Body, 2015
Jennifer Juba, oo2.1, 2016
Fernando Martinez, New Way Of Move II, 2018
Andrea Payne, Glitch, 2018
Dulce María Sánchez, Led Landscape, 2018
Zakaria Wakrim, Untitled, 2016
Frank Machalowski, Tierwald #4, 2013
Rayzel Lynn, Reflections 1, 2017

