LoosenArt Mag / Gallery


  • Language: Signs and Styles of Expressiveness

    Posted on June 10 2021

    .+ Author Silvia Colombo . . Language │ 21 May - 15 June 2021 . . The universe gravitating towards language isn’t just populated by vocal sounds triggering various sorts...

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  • The Dreamer

    Posted on May 13 2021

    .+ Authors A Muratore, S Colombo . . The Dreamer │ 23 April - 20 May 2021 . . As in the experience of dream, the dreamer is immersed in the...

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  • Barabásilab. Hidden Patterns, Network and Data Visualization

    Posted on May 10 2021

      . . From May 1, 2021 to January 16, 2021 the ZKM | Karlsruhe presents the exhibition BarabásiLab. Hidden Patterns, which introduces the work of the Hungarian physicist and network scientist Albert-László Barabási and his research...

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  • Instability and Precariousness

    Posted on April 19 2021

    .+ Author S Colombo . . Instability and Precariousness │ 5 March - 22 April 2021 . . Through its various nuances and its creative expressions, art is often relevant, being...

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  • Wolfgang Tillmans: Beyond the Underground

    Posted on March 25 2021

          Author Veronica Vituzzi . . It gives some relief to be unable to catalog Wolfgang Tillmans' work. When one first opens Wolfgang Tillmans Four Books, a monographic volume...

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  • Windows into The Virtual

    Posted on February 15 2021

    . Author S Colombo . . Windows into The Virtual │ 5 February - 4 March 2021 . . Nowadays, the word “virtual” is something that tickles us, reminding us of...

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  • Post-Industrialism

    Posted on January 26 2021

    . Author S Colombo . . Post-Industrialism │ 8 January - 4 February 2021 . . Every era has a start and an end, as a cycle. Especially since we appear...

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  • Erik Kessels, Found Photography

    Posted on January 15 2021

          Authors Sara Benaglia, Mauro Zanchi . . . Erik Kessels, Found PhotographyErik Kessels (Roermond, 1966) is a Dutch artist and curator. He has published over 50 books containing...

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  • Diaries. Private and Shared Stories

    Posted on December 29 2020

    . Author S Colombo . . Diaries │ 4 December 2020 - 7 January 2021 . . The diary as a writing genre has always been meaningful to literature and arts since...

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  • The Retaliation of Art: Memestetica by Valentina Tanni

    Posted on December 08 2020

      . . “I am not here claiming that the outside is always beneficent. There are more than enough terrors to be found there; but such terrors are not all...

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  • The Man and the Machine

    Posted on November 23 2020

    . Author S Colombo . . The Man and the Machine │ 10 November - 3 December 2020 . . From the moment machines, factories and motors peeked out and then...

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  • Photography to the Test of Abstraction

    Posted on November 10 2020

      . . 12 September 2020 - 6 December 2020 │ FRAC NORMANDIE ROUEN, SOTTEVILLE-LÈS-ROUEN - FRANCE . . For the fourth edition of the Normandy Impressionist Festival, the Fonds Régional d’Art...

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  • The Performer

    Posted on October 31 2020

    . Author S Colombo . . The Performer │ 15 October - 9 November 2020 . . The performer is someone that (either consciously or unconsciously) performs an act before a...

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  • Olivo Barbieri: Early Works

    Posted on October 12 2020

          Author Ugo Morelli . . . Olivo Barbieri, or narrating the sublime of the worldIt should be a property of every language to express what is unexpressable in...

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  • Silent Cities

    Posted on October 05 2020

    . Author S Colombo . . Silent Cities │ 17th September - 14th October 2020 . . The group show Silent Cities, organised by Loosenart and open at the Spazio Millepiani...

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  • Home: A Place About Us

    Posted on August 26 2020

    . Author S Colombo . . Home │ 7th August - 16th September 2020 . . One has never experienced his/her house so much as this year. In 2020, during the...

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  • Glitch: The Truth in the Error. A Conversation with Emilio Vavarella

    Posted on August 10 2020

          Authors Sara Benaglia, Mauro Zanchi . . . Mauro Zanchi and Sara Benaglia: "Report a Problem" is the message that appears at the bottom of the Google Street...

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  • Transitions and Displacements: For a Liquid Approach

    Posted on July 28 2020

    . Authors A Muratore / S Colombo . . Transitions and Displacements: For a Liquid Approach │ 10th July - 6th August 2020 . . "Transitions" and "displacements" are the objects...

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  • Mirrors and Reflections

    Posted on July 03 2020

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Mirrors and Reflections │ 12th June - 9th July 2020 . . Mirrors and Reflections is a title that speaks clearly. The group exhibition open...

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  • Kosmas Pavlidis

    Posted on June 17 2020

    Born and raised in Thessaloniki (b. 1978), with his work Pavlidis tries to go back in time, portraying and retracing his childhood memories. ...   . “My photographic projects wish to...

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  • Isolated. Living Yourself

    Posted on May 29 2020

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Isolated. Living Yourself │ 6h March - 11th June 2020 . . Isolated. Living Yourself is the second and last chapter of a couple of...

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  • Abstractions

    Posted on May 18 2020

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Abstractions │ Online Exhibition May 2020 . . Cutting yourself off from reality, leaving the ordinary world for a while. Grabbing concepts, ideas, emotions and...

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  • Frank Uwe Laysiepen: Ulay

    Posted on April 11 2020

          Author Alessandro Cassin Translated by Jennifer Cooper . . “I enjoy being the most unknown among renowned artists”  . . Frank Uwe Laysiepen, the German artist known as Ulay,...

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  • Graham Fink's Images Within a Random or Ambiguous Visual Pattern

    Posted on March 13 2020

      . . 5th February - 10th April 2020 │ VVA VirginiaVisualArts, London . . VVA VirginiaVisualArts, a platform for contemporary art in Central London, will exhibit new monotype and relief...

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  • Isolation. Living Apart

    Posted on February 28 2020

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Isolation. Living Apart │ 5th February - 5th March 2020 . . It is hard to believe that, in an overcrowded planet, there is still...

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  • New Visions: The First Edition of Triennial for Photography and New Media

    Posted on February 24 2020

      . . 21st February - 16th May 2020 │ Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden - Norway . . In line with the avant-garde legacy of the Henie Onstad, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter is proud...

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  • Still Life. Alternative Exposures

    Posted on January 27 2020

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Still Life. Alternative Exposures │ 3rd January - 4th February 2020 . . It is fascinating to see how gathering objects that are then accumulated in...

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    Posted on January 20 2020

      Author Teresa Ruffino . . Kensuke Koike is a Japanese visual artist currently based in Venice. His works have been exhibited, among other institutions, at Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Asama International Photo Festival in Miyota, Format...

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    Posted on December 24 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo Author Antonio Muratore . . About Future │ 6th December 2019 - 2nd January 2020 . . If there was a past and there is a present, there...

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  • William Wegman's Dogs-Men

    Posted on December 10 2019

          Author Andrea Giardina Translated by Jennifer Cooper . . MASI Lugano │8th September 2019 - 6th January 2020 . They are human, they are like us. The path of...

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  • Mannequins and Puppets

    Posted on November 24 2019

    . Pic by Philip Krejcarek Author Silvia Colombo . . Mannequins and Puppets │ 6th November - 5th December 2019 . . By using fictional items such as mannequins and puppets...

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  • Interview with Caterina Morigi

    Posted on October 25 2019

    Author Sara Benaglia / Mauro Zanchi . . Interview conducted on the occasion of the exhibition Metafotografia 5th October - 3rd November 2019 Baco ass., Bergamo, Italy . . M. Zanchi, S....

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  • Suburbs and Peripherals Environments

    Posted on October 18 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Suburbs │ 4th October - 5th November 2019 . . Suburbs. Sub-urbs. As the etymology suggests, the word here considered indicates a place hierarchically located...

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  • Mariya Andriichuk

    Posted on September 27 2019

    Mariya Andriichuk was born in Ukraine in 1983, where she is still currently living and working, based in the city of Kyiv. Versatile professional, she deals with photography and film...

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  • The Game

    Posted on September 17 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . The Game │ 6th September - 3rd October 2019 . . It is amazing to see how many different interpretations a subject can raise. We...

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  • Exist, Resist, Photograph

    Posted on September 02 2019

          Author Silvia Mazzucchelli Translated by Jennifer Cooper . . Libuše Jarcovjáková lives in Prague. She studies at the Film Academy (FAMU), but her images are too eccentric. She can't...

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  • Tagging Aesthetics #0: A Cultural Critique of Categorization in the Age of Social Media

    Posted on August 06 2019

      Author Nicola Bozzi . . The following essay introduces a series of interviews that will be published on Digicult in the following weeks. I have been conducting these and...

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  • Glitches and Defects. The Ordinary Errors

    Posted on July 24 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Glitches and Defects │ 5th July - 5th August 2019 . . Glitches and Defects represents a paradoxical interpretation of today’s world, where everything must...

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  • Liliia Beda

    Posted on July 12 2019

    Natural lights, vibrant colours, penetrating gazes shape balanced compositions halfway between a photographic image and a painted portrait. This is a short description of Liliia Beda’s work.. . I like...

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  • Urban Lights

    Posted on June 26 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Urban Lights │ 7th June - 4th July 2019 . . The word pair ‘city-light’ speaks for itself, being one of the most suitable synonyms for...

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  • Paolo Pellegrin. Shout with Eyes

    Posted on June 21 2019

      Author Marco Belpoliti Translated by Jennifer Cooper . . There is a verse by René Char in Fogli d’Ipnos that makes one think of contemporary photography, and in particular that of...

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  • Stranger than Fiction

    Posted on May 23 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Stranger than Fiction │ 2nd May - 6th June 2019 . . Already at the end of the 19th century, in the critical essay “The Art...

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  • Molly Budd

    Posted on May 20 2019

    “ ’Mistakes’ are my best inspiration”. This is just a short preview – as well as an intriguing excerpt – taken from the interview with Molly Budd, visual artist and...

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  • “Red Umbrella Struggles”: an Exhibition on Sex Work Industry

    Posted on May 12 2019

      . EDITH-RUSS-HAUS FOR MEDIA ART - OLDENBURG18 / 04 / 2019 – 23 / 06 / 2019 . . Red Umbrella Struggles is an international group exhibition that revolves around...

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  • Environment Documenta

    Posted on April 24 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Environment Documenta │ 4th April - 1st May 2019 . . Climate change, ecology and pollution have recently been among the most recurrent and sensitive...

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  • Inventory of Fragments

    Posted on April 01 2019

      Author Mauro Zanchi Translated by Jennifer Cooper . . For Alberto Sinigaglia (1984) the construction of a project is like an investigation, which continues to evolve to build a visual language,...

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  • Perceptions

    Posted on March 21 2019

    . Author Silvia Colombo . . Perceptions │ 1st - 31st March 2019 . . How many interpretations can one give about life, nature, art? Should we consider our point of...

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  • Polina Teif

    Posted on March 11 2019

    Polina´s photographic and video production is the result of deep research, long observations and, most of all, action - or “active witnessing”, as she stated.. . When I am present...

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