Mariya Andriichuk was born in Ukraine in 1983, where she is still currently living and working, based in the city of Kyiv. Versatile professional, she deals with photography and film directing-editing, as well as creative design...

I believe we are multidimensional, limitless creatures, and our souls usually struggle for freedom from the bodies because they feel and know our limitless potential and abundance of the existing world. Being a photographer means to prove and create this reality to and for me. - M. A.
Mariya Andriichuk was born in Ukraine in 1983, where she is still currently living and working, based in the city of Kyiv. Versatile professional, she deals with photography and film directing-editing, as well as creative design. Even her approach to photography is very wide and flexible, addressing the world of fashion and commercials, but also the field of pure arts – and in this case, the result is powerful. We can consider her latest series of works, for example. Entitled “Plasticity in Motion” and recently exhibited in New York, it plays with strong contrasts.
The use of black and white serves to emphasize lights and shadows pointed at the subjects framed. This harmonically dissonant symphony of naked bodies in motion shows itself all at once, with no trimmings. Moreover, the eternal battle between sensuality versus spirituality highlights Mariya’s main interest in nude photography that, according to her, is able to “come closer to a person’s soul”. The truth is that looking closer to her pictures, we are able to fully perceive her creative and artistic sensitivity.
Author Silvia Colombo

L.A.: Mariya what does photography mean to you, what is your statement as a photographer?
Mariya Andriichuk: Photography to me is a moment of Revelation, divine act of love, the joy of which I share with my audience. I see it as a means of Redemption. It demands tremendous devotion, usually for both the photographer and the model.
L.A.: What do you like most about being a photographer?
Mariya Andriichuk: I believe we are multidimensional, limitless creatures, and our souls usually struggle for freedom from the bodies because they feel and know our limitless potential and abundance of the existing world. Being a photographer means to prove and create this reality to and for me.
Mariya Andriichuk, Rising
L.A.: What connects, if there's a connection, each single image or project within your general work?
Mariya Andriichuk: Each of my artworks is a reflection of my vision about balancing sexuality and spirituality in all ways of self-realization. Whether it is male + female, or the spiritual + the sexual, it is the nature of the universe to create compatible and complementary elements. They all have some kind of punctum, something that attracts your attention and makes it memorable. I put the very strong concentration of energy in it, which is a reflection of my authenticity.
L.A.: How do you come up with ideas for your works?
Mariya Andriichuk: Usually ideas come up in the process of shooting, as improvisation, but sometimes I have something in mind and then look for the models to be able to make it happen. The bright example of improvisation shot is the one presented here “ La Naissance de la Femme”. The story behind of this shot is that it was one of the last shots in our fashion shoot with Yana Kozachenko. When everything was over, and we were going to finish, to take make up off, but I suddenly remembered the bottle of milk in my refrigerator and I wanted to check my new flashes, if they could really freeze the drops. I asked the model, Yana, and she agreed to have cold milk splashed on her face. So it did not have duplicates, only one clean shot. I came up with the concept later :“ The body awakens with a chilling splash to cool realities…’ The most valuable thing about this shot is her priceless genuine expression. A good example of planned idea shot is my artwork ‘Synergy’ presented here. This work is about PLUS concept, 1+1, man plus woman, sexuality + spirituality, finding a balance no matter what exterior world is provoking You for. Technically it was not an easy shoot, to stay stable in this position, while the bodies were very slippery under the water flow. But I was lucky to meet professional acrobats, Anastasiia Krutikova, and Artem Panasuk, who could realize my idea. So, the ways are not so important, the main thing is to have intention to create and just do it, no matter what…
L.A.: Can you comment one work from those featured at LoosenArt?
Mariya Andriichuk: I would tell few words about the artwork “Rising”, this is the artwork from the series I call also Heaven’s Height, as the shooting was 5-10 meters height from the floor. The model is Anastasia Makeeva, very talented and experienced aerial performer from Moscow, who is a true theatrical world circus sensation. When she posed I could hardly breathe, because she was without any support, making risky tricks. So our photo shoot was a totally creative collaboration without any commercial purpose. The main intention was to be pleased with our own ideas and to do something really unique and special. We spent all night at Kyiv’s Circus… I did not have any assistants. Just imagine, only two girls fully involved in the process on a huge circus stage at night. It was like a surrealistic dream or movie scene feeling. Truly, it was challenging as It was wintertime and really very cold, without any heat sytem. But it did not stop us from experimenting and taking photos nude. We drank hot tea in between to get a bit warmer and discuss the next shots. I brought all the equipment on my own back. It was the first time my Manfrotto light stands at last were used at their full length and my super system of flash remote controlling was properly used and justified. When I remember this photo shoot I still feel very excited and it makes me smile… I adore hardworking talented people who do what they really love. Anastasia has a strong spirit and great character. I fully supported her desire to to expand the people’s perception of the Circus system in general. We became true friends and I really hope to see her soon and do something great again. I appreciated so much of her dedication. And I am very thankful to her for her trust and bravery to perform nude, opening her heart and soul to the world community.
Mariya Andriichuk, Parallel Dimensions
L.A.: Who were the first artists that you found inspiring?
Mariya Andriichuk: There are many, but the most inspiring to me are Helmut Newton and Annie Leibovitz. They both are inconceivable legends of photography, with unique style and stories. I have the original books of both of them, I often review them, and always enjoy and find something new. I love to watch documentary films about them, it really inspires and helps to understand photography masters’ way of thinking.
L.A.: What are your future plans/projects or aspirations?
Mariya Andriichuk: To me the most important thing in life is the feeling of full realization of my potential. I don't limit myself only by photography, but speak about life in general. I know and believe that a person can be happy in all aspects of life, and this is my goal.I don’t have something more important or less, if I am doing something - its the most important at the moment. Currently I am working as a commercial photographer, learning filmmaking and continuing my personal art projects, including my first Photo Book Edition, which will be the summary collection of my very best artworks of the past 10 years, with unique narrative stories.
Mariya Andriichuk, Synergy
Mariya Andriichuk, Rain or Shine
Mariya Andriichuk, La Naissance de la Femme
Mariya Andriichuk©